Friday, February 19, 2016

Q Attack, Round 28 - Do Video Games Need to Diversify?
Tiger and Rabbit discuss the sensitive topic about race and its place in video games. Using their experiences with multiple games, these fuzzy buddies examine how race in video games impact their viewpoints.


Tiger: Well, you picked a doozy of a topic for this week, what brought this on?

Rabbit: I was playing Dying Light which is set in Harran, a fictional Turkish city. I was really surprised by the setting when I first booted up the game, it’s not a place that is common in video games.

Tiger: The only other games that come to mind with a Middle Eastern setting are Assassin’s Creed: Revelations and a few military shooters.

Rabbit: The thing that got me about this game is that you’re still playing a European-American character in Kyle Crane. It would have been cool to play as a native but nope, you’re playing another European-American male character.

Tiger: Oh, please don’t bring up the character’s sex, that’s a totally different wormhole.

Rabbit: But don’t you get tired of it? There’s Crane, Gordon Freeman, Chris Redfield, Cole MacGrath, Nathan Hale, Nathan Drake, and so on.

Tiger: I’m more tired of the name “Nathan.” I do see your point; we generally play as the same kind of character, especially in shooters. The last five games I played that didn’t feature customizable characters; all had European-American protagonists.

Rabbit: I don’t get why the protagonists in video games all tend to be the same when you can do literally whatever you want. We have games that send you into space to fight aliens, games that have you hunting demons, and I’ve even been locked up by a maniacal bear! You’d think we’d have more variety nowadays.

Tiger: You actually mentioned a couple of games there and I think we should clarify something.

Rabbit: What’s that?

Tiger: That we have two very broad schools of video games; western and Japanese. I think you could say that both styles have their own forms of racism and stereotyping but let’s just focus on western games for this Q Attack.

Rabbit: Very true, but even western developed video games come from all over the place like Europe or Canada. So, why do you think that European-Americans/people of European descent are predominantly featured?

Tiger: I think it’s a case of “you write what you know,” it doesn’t excuse the fact that there’s a lack of diversity but I think it does explain some of it. Just look at the developer interviews from E3. While there was a mixture of ethnicities shown, the vast majority of the developers shown were of European descent. But it hasn’t been all bad. Ubisoft did feature a Native American as the protagonist in Assassin’s Creed III and a female African-American Assassin in Liberation. You Mentioned Cole MacGrath but don’t forget Sucker Punch also had Delsin Rowe who was Native American as well.

Rabbit: True but Liberation was a Vita game that didn’t get the same coverage as the other AC games. Similar to the Asian Assassin in the 2D game they did recently. AC III and inFAMOUS Second Son were much larger games but I still felt like their cultural backgrounds weren’t done justice. What about the stereotypes that we’ve seen in games? Saints Row 2 comes to mind.

Tiger: That game kind of stereotyped a lot of things.

Rabbit: Ohio State University did a study with Saints Row 2 that showed video games can promote racist thoughts and behaviors. They randomly assigned European-American or African-American avatars to players and documented the results. Those who had been given African-American avatars tended to be more aggressive and violent than those using a European-American avatar. Afterwards, the participants were asked to rate how well they agreed with predetermined statements. Again, those who played with African-American avatars exhibited negative attitudes towards African-Americans.

Tiger: Point of order, I do want to point out that this study was done pretty poorly. The small sample size, how they generalized their findings, and the fact that they often “led” the participants with the questions shines a light on the validity of this study. That being said, I can see how always negatively portraying certain ethnicities by their stereotyped behavior can impact people’s views of that culture. I get tired of seeing how Asians are portrayed on television and in movies. We do not all look the same!

Rabbit: Or how they’ll take characters that are clearly Asian and have European-American actors play them.

Tiger: Another study by Ohio State University used Mass Effect 3 to show that video games can curb racism. Participants, both European-Americans and African-Americans, were paired together in teams. The cooperative behaviors promoted during multiplayer matches showed that the pro-social benefits often assigned to video games could also include reductions in racist thinking. Though the study has yet to publish its findings, other studies have documented the increase in the pro-social behaviors of video games, even when played competitively.

Rabbit: That’s great that video games can break down barriers but I still think it’s sad how blatant the stereotyping is. Going back to Dying Light, a lot is made out of Crane being an American. While there are other Turkish characters, most of the focal characters seem to be foreigners. And with Assassin’s Creed III, oftentimes Connor felt like an outsider in the game, largely in part of his ethnicity.

Tiger: I think Assassin’s Creed III’s protagonist was kind of a miss but not because he was Native American, while I enjoyed the game, it felt like they were trying to do too many things with the character while keeping him the “blank slate.” I think a lot of video games want the main character to be ambiguous so it’s easier for the player to project his or her identity onto the character. After all, what’s more boring than a European-American male character?

Rabbit: Ouch. I see your point but argue that you can have an enjoyable experience with a well defined non-European-American character. Faith from Mirror’s Edge was pretty cool.

Tiger: They didn’t delve into her as a character too much. I liked what they did with the new Lara Croft, she is white but at least she’s more diverse than what we’ve seen from her in the past.

Rabbit: You know who I’d really want to play as?

Tiger: Bugs Bunny?

Rabbit: Abigail Mills from Sleepy Hollow. Not saying it has to be that specific setting but I love her character archetype. Maybe even Dutch or Two from Killjoys and Dark Matter.

Tiger: Mayday, mayday, we’re veering off course again. Those are cool characters but I’d prefer Mills over the others. The Syfy characters feel like they were just written to be sexy, badass chicks and nothing more.

Rabbit: I just wish I could play as a character I identify with. I get tired of playing a guy all the time and wish there was more out there. I don’t want every game to feature a Japanese female lead but it would be nice to not always play the heroic soldier archetype that exists in almost every game.

Tiger: Now, you are so going to hate me for this but I actually really identified with my Khajiit character in Skyrim.

Rabbit: *shakes head*

Tiger: No really, hear me out. I think the Khajiit in Skyrim are treated a lot like ethnic minorities are in many places. They are ostracized, stereotyped, and subjected to inflammatory racial slurs all the time. Yet many of the characters that you meet don’t let these negative assumptions define them. Of course, some just choose to kill everyone that insults them, but I thought it was somewhat insightful for Bethesda to include that. So not every game makes you play as a big white dude. Then again, Dovakiin was always portrayed as a big white dude.

Rabbit: See! The only game I could think of where the main protagonist was a minority was Prototype 2. I know there are others, but there aren’t a lot of them. Not as many as there should be in this day and age.

Tiger: I’ve noticed in recent years there have been more female protagonists; especially at E3 we saw new games like Horizon: Zero Dawn feature them as well. Does it bother you when you play as a character that doesn’t match up with your identity?

Rabbit: I’m not sure I’d say it bothers me but it does get grating at times. While it’s not as prevalent, there was a time where every game I played felt like you had to save the princess. I like seeing women portrayed in different ways.

Tiger: This is going to go against the grain but I don’t always like having the tough and rumble female character because oftentimes they feel very shallow and poorly written. It’s like Michelle Rodriguez in every movie she’s ever been in. While she seems cool at first, you quickly realize that her characters have no substance. Plus, you can be protected and strong at the same time. Look at Ellie; while Joel does protect her, she is also capable of saving herself.

Rabbit: I really enjoyed how the women in Mass Effect were portrayed. That’s probably why I always played as a male Shepard. All of them had dimensions to their characters; they weren’t always strong or always needing saving. They evolved over time, and I think that’s what I want from my video games more than anything. I want characters that evolve and change, characters that can grow. I just want something different from the cookie cutter mold that plagues video game protagonists.

Tiger: What you said about growing reminds me of Ezio. Technically, he’s another protagonist from European descent but he stands out because of how he changed over the series. Even in just Assassin’s Creed II, Ezio started out as a brash youngster but then throughout the game, he was forced to mature. Not many characters ever feel like they’re evolving. Now, here’s the question. Do intimate scenes in video games bother you when you’re playing as a male character?

Rabbit: No, why would they? It’s not like I project myself so strongly into the protagonists that I become them.

Tiger: Just wondering, one of the other studies mentioned along the OSU study actually mentioned that male gamers were generally uncomfortable with intimate scenes while playing with a female avatar. Even situations as minor as holding hands or kissing, provoked this reaction.

Rabbit: What, were they using a bunch of thirteen year-old as test subjects?
Tiger: *laughs* Ah no, but I bet the results would have been very similar. Anyway, so I take it that you think video games should diversify?

Rabbit: I do think they should, it’s about time they do too. As much as I enjoy exploring different worlds, times, and scenarios; I want to be able to do that with different people as well. Let’s see what it’s like to be a Russian during the apocalypse.

Tiger: I think that’s already happened.

Rabbit: Then how about a little kid from South America or an African-American who isn’t portrayed as a gangbanger. Maybe, let’s not have the hipster kid with the glasses be some uber hacker or have the middle-aged guy be the soldier type. I understand why stereotypes are used, it’s an easy way to build a culture very quickly in a game, but I would like to see more substance. One of the reasons why Mirror’s Edge interested me right off the bat was because it had an Asian female protagonist. Wow! Shocking! I’m not saying that every game needs to have an ethnic minority as its protagonist or to just slap one in so you can check that box. What I want is a real effort to make an interesting character that we haven’t seen before. I think that the male European-American totally has his place in video games. I love Nathan Drake and other characters like him; I’m just asking why we have to have every video game protagonist be the same. I want to see someone new in my games and I think it’s about time to do that.

Tiger: Well, I guess I’m going to sound like the hateful racist here for saying that they don’t need to diversify more, but it’s not because I don’t believe that they should be diverse, it’s because I think we’re already heading there. While I know that player-controlled characters are predominantly European or of European descent, there are a lot of diverse characters out there. I do think more can be done but I don’t want developers to throw them in a game like they’re zombies.

Rabbit: But everyone loves zombies.

Tiger: You can overdo zombies, like you stated; it should be done with a purpose, not because developers feel pressure to make everyone happy. I think if they do a half-hearted job like that then no one will really be happy in the end. Video games are already diverse and will continue to trend that way as developers themselves become more diverse. We saw it at E3; there were so many studios that came from various parts of the world, many that did not have a major developer before. The stories they tell and the characters they craft can only be as diverse as they are. It’s coming, we just have to wait. And I can understand the logic behind using a European-American male character for a protagonist. After all, the majority of gamers are male and are of European descent. Again, not stating that this is the way it should be but it is what it is. Publishers don’t want to take the risk on a character or concept that may fail. We could easily argue that video games aren’t diverse in a lot of areas from setting to even gameplay. That’s why we have thousands of shooters, they sell. I am hopeful with games like Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, which has a male and female protagonist, that more gamers will be accepting of the changes. It’s only a matter of time.

Rabbit: Things are definitely trending that way but if they’re creating protagonists based off of their target demographic then why don’t all video games feature thirteen year olds?

Tiger: Now that would be a nightmare.

Do Video Games Need to Diversify?

Tiger     vs     Rabbit

Random Happy Time, 36 O'Clock - Nihonjin!
Tiger and Rabbit talked about diversity in western games but what about Japanese games? In this edition of Random Happy Time! they discuss stereotypes common in Japanese culture.


Rabbit: So I know we just did this whole thing about diversity in western games but Japanese games could use a bit too.

Tiger: I always kind of find it strange when Japanese games feature different ethnicities. Like Vanquish, that was kind of funny.

Rabbit: Americans and Russians according to the Japanese. Yeah, it was different. Is it strange that most of the characters of African descent that I know are in Japanese games?

Tiger: Considering the small population there, yeah. Do you think the Japanese characters in Yakuza were stereotyped?

Rabbit: Weren’t they all Japanese characters?

Tiger: No, not all. But you kind of wonder, because you can stereotype your own culture, I’d be curious to know how accurate that game actually was.

Rabbit: (ง •̀_•́)ง There was an interview a while back with ex-Yakuza members who were shown the game and their thoughts on it, pretty insightful.

Tiger: I never think of Japanese games as not being racially diversified though. You have people with blue and pink hair, there are all these crazy cultures, and even crazier settings.

Rabbit: But everyone has the same face and eyes. No really, especially the anime-esque ones.

Tiger: Oh man, don’t get me started on anime characters, those eyes. Talk about a genre that needs some more diversity, while there are a lot of great shows that depicted various ethnicities; some of them are so cookie cutter.

Rabbit: I always liked how British or European characters are depicted as being rich. 八(^□^*)

Tiger: ( ´△`) Americans are fat, stupid, and wet their pants. Oh, and the military is shown a lot.

Rabbit: I think it’s sad that aliens are always depicted as being obsessed with Japanese pop culture.

Tiger: Or how gods are usually homeless and live in vending machines. (^-人-^)

Rabbit: Or that polar bears are meaner than their southern counterparts.

Tiger: ⋛⋋( ‘◇’)⋌⋚ And demons always kill little birdies.

Rabbit: And swimmers always eat mackerel. <º))))><

Tiger: Eh, I think we’re getting a little off track.

Rabbit: (ง ˙o˙)ว They’re so cruel with their depiction of spacenoids! They just want to live in peace with their shiny robots!

Tiger: *sighs*

Rabbit: In other news, we're sorry to announce that TvR will be going on hiatus indefinitely.

Tiger: Unfortunately, this is true. Our editor has run across some health concerns but we hope to be back really soon.

Rabbit: Don't worry Qgers and Qbbits! Tiger Vs. Rabbit will return with new topics, crazy conversations, and more posts about food!

Tiger: *rolls eyes* Or not. Anyway, we thank you readers for being with us for this long and hope to see you all when we return.

Rabbit: ^cries^ I'll miss you so much, Tiger! I'll miss our readers too!

Tiger: There, there. *pats Rabbit on the head* You and I are sticking together so we can come up with more topics to discuss and we'll see our readers really soon.

Rabbit: That's true! I hope you look forward to our return! Thanks again!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Q Attack, Round 27 - Should You Import Games?
Tiger and Rabbit sit down to discuss importing video games from the United Kingdom, Japan, and Hong Kong. They chat about why they import games, what makes those games worth the extra money, and why you should or should not import games.


Tiger: I’m having a hard time with Taiko no Tatsujin V Version.

Rabbit: Why’s that?

Tiger: I can’t read anything, it’s all in Japanese.

Rabbit: You actually imported that game?

Tiger: I did, I knew it wasn’t going to come out stateside so I bought it through Play-Asia.

Rabbit: A taiko drum game?

Tiger: *embarrassed* It had a lot of Vocaloid music. You’re one to talk, you imported Moe Chronicle.

Rabbit: I liked the first game; I figured I might as well get the second.

Tiger: *shakes head* You are perverted.

Rabbit: I know you picked up IA/VT as well. Why’d you get that one when you don’t import the Hatsune Miku games.

Tiger: I usually don’t like importing games because it’s a lot more expensive with shipping and everything but I knew that the IA game was never going to get a U.S. release. With Hatsune Miku, there were rumblings that DIVA was going to get a western release, so that’s why I waited.

Rabbit: I guess that makes sense. I imported Steins;Gate from from Rice Digital in the UK. They had the exclusive rights to the NA collector’s edition.

Tiger: Wait, wait, wait a minute. A UK company got the rights to distribute the North American version of Steins;Gate?

Rabbit: Makes no sense but that’s what happened. Amazon only had the standard physical edition, if you wanted the CE, you had to buy it from Rice Digital. I actually have a lot of PAL games that I’ve imported.

Tiger: Such as?

Rabbit: I have physical copies of Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty and WipEout HD Fury. I also picked up the Two Worlds II Game of the Year Edition a while back. I also have a lot of PSP games too like Exit 2 and Talkman. A few were gifts from friends in the UK or part of a trading program where I sent NA games in exchange for PAL games. What about you?

Tiger: I don’t have that many import games. I picked up the physical version of Okami, it’s the Asian version. I also have Gundam Breaker and Armored Core on PSP from Japan.

Rabbit: I do like that some of the Asian versions of games actually contain English subtitles.

Tiger: That’s very helpful. A lot of the anime is that way too, like the Persona movies. Don’t you think it’s odd that you, the Japanese gamer, import most of your games from the UK but I import them from Japan or Asia?

Rabbit: I can’t explain it, maybe it’s because a lot of the Japanese games I like get western releases. So where do you usually import your games from?

Tiger: Play-Asia and Tokyo Otaku Mode are the first places I look. I also use and CDJapan. I know there are other places out there, but I’m a big fan of their prices, shipping, and service.

Rabbit: It’s the same with Rice Digital, they do a really good job, so I haven’t had to find a different retailer. I sometimes wonder if importing games are really worth it though.

Tiger: I only import games I know that I’ll play and ones that probably won’t ever see the light of day in the west. IA/VT was a no brainer since the developer came out and said that it was never going to see a western release. Others, like Aquanaut’s Holiday, are unique enough that I just had to give it a try.

Rabbit: And Gundam Breaker?

Tiger: It’s Gundam and it didn’t break the bank. How’d you pick your imports?

Rabbit: ^shrugs^ They looked interesting?

Tiger: That’s it?

Rabbit: They had nice box art.

Tiger: Really?

Rabbit: Most of them, I already owned in digital format, and just imported the physical copy.

Tiger: I never understood why publishers would bother making a physical copy for the UK but not for the NA. Maybe they haven’t adopted digital only as quickly as the States or Canada, but I still find it strange.

Rabbit: The UK also has some crazy collector’s editions, a lot better than ours. I almost splurged and bought the Xblaze Code: Embryo limited edition. If they had the art of Mei in her sundress, I probably would have.

Tiger: Don’t get me started on LEs and CEs. I always feel like the games I import need to be extra special to make them worth the extra money. I’m a huge IA fan so importing her game was a no brainer, the Taiko Drum game was a little harder to decide on. We actually used to have the PS2 Taiko Drums, remember?

Rabbit: Yes, we did. We even bought two copies of the game so we could have drums to play head-to-head.

Tiger: I think nostalgia helped to determine me importing the Vita version.

Rabbit: I’m too impatient to import a lot of games. It takes so long to get them from overseas. I think the last game I bought took over three weeks to finally arrive after it was shipped out.

Tiger: The wait is tough and returns are tougher. I’ve only had one issue where the item that was sent out, didn’t work at all. Luckily, I was able to get a replacement for it.

Rabbit: I remember when we imported a few jackets and didn’t realize that the sizing was totally different. The website didn’t help either since it listed both US and Asian sizes but then didn’t state which sizing chart you were picking the size from.

Tiger: Luckily, everything fit properly even though we made the mistake.
Rabbit: Do you think people should import games?

Tiger: Definitely, if it’s a game you really want, why wait? You never know if the game will ever get released, plus it helps the developers and publishers gauge how popular a title is and might even encourage them to bring the game or a sequel westward. You have to be careful to make sure that the game isn’t region locked, like how it was in the old days. It’s also a good idea to see if there are any English walkthroughs on the internet, especially for the more text heavy games. I couldn’t imagine trying to play a JRPG or NVL without a guide. That’s also another added bonus, like we mentioned before a lot of games come with English subtitles now, making them very import friendly. I actually really enjoy importing games because you get to experience games that you may never see here.

Rabbit: I don’t know, I think the sometimes it’s better to wait until they get a U.S. release to buy a game. Think about it, you pay all this extra money for shipping and what not, only to have the sale not count for your region or the region the game was released in. It’s not like they look at the numbers getting exported to other companies. If you wait and petition a publisher to release it in a different territory and then buy the game in that said territory, it encourages the publisher to look at other regions in the future. I remember the NISA panel we went to at a convention and they stated how it was really just a sale of a specific title that allowed them to start looking at bringing even more titles westward.

Tiger: You could always buy both versions.

Rabbit: That’s a waste of money though.

Tiger: But what if your game never makes it to the west, what then?

Rabbit: You could always import it then. I’m just saying that the domestic publishers need to get support or else they won’t be able to bring titles over here.

Tiger: It’s definitely up to the individual in how they want to do it. I can see your point, wanting to show that there is a fanbase here to try and encourage the publishers to localize certain games. On the other hand, we know there are titles that will never see the light of day.

Rabbit: Social media can have a huge impact too. Look at what Gaijinworks is able to do with their offerings. I’m just happy that getting foreign games is a lot easier than it was before. Many games now get western releases, such as Danganronpa, that I never thought would ever come stateside. Either way you do it, one thing’s for sure, gamers have access to a ton of great games.

Should You Import Games?

Tiger     vs     Rabbit

Random Happy Time, 35 O’Clock - Overseas Stuff!
After chatting about importing games, Tiger and Rabbit take time to talk about other items they import. From CDs and movies to Vocaloid memorabilia and figures, Tiger and Rabbit chat about some of their favorite purchases and why they just had to have it.


Rabbit: We talked about importing clothes before but what else have we imported?

Tiger: I know I import a ton of Japanese music and some anime as well. ♪ヾ(^Д^*)ノ

Rabbit: You also import a lot of Gundam figures too.

Tiger: I have seven, that’s not a ton. You import a bunch of artbooks and plushies. _〆(。。)

Rabbit: Artbooks are one thing I don’t think the west does well. That’s why I always love getting them from Japan. I have a few from different video games and anime but I need to get more. And yes, Japanese plushies are too cute.

Tiger: I really love the Okami artbook we have. I also have Kawamoto Toshihiro’s collection too. Do you have a favorite imported item?

Rabbit: ٩(^ᴗ^)۶ My plushie Charmander, the ICO artbook, and the Lucky Star OVA collection. You?

Tiger: I love the Đặng Thái Sơn CD I imported from Poland and the MS-07B-3 figure I got from Japan. The Destiny hoodie I picked up from a retailer in the UK is also really cool looking.

Rabbit: Oh, that one is nice but I like the Assassin’s Creed III jacket I got better. I still need to get the inFAMOUS vest.

Tiger: I want to import the Fuunsaiki Robot Spirits that was shown off this year.

Rabbit: \(^0^)/ Ooh, I also need to get a Free! artbook.

Tiger: You know, I’m surprised you don’t have a Hakuoki artbook since you love Saitō so much.

Rabbit: The books don’t do him justice. Plus, most that I’ve found are from the anime series and not the game but I think I’ll have to remedy the lack of Hakuoki books in my collection soon. You know what else I like to import?

Tiger: What?

Rabbit: (*´ڡ`●) Food.

Tiger: No.

Rabbit: Yes, I haven’t talked about food in a long time. Japanese treats are the best. I’m a big fan of their drinks as well. While I don’t technically import them directly from Japan, I do shop at an import grocery store that carries all kinds of crazy things.

Tiger: We all know that you love to talk about food; you don’t need to keep doing it.

Rabbit: I’ll stop if you buy me that vest.

Tiger: No.

Rabbit: How about a Tachibana Makoto figure?

Tiger: Not happening. o(-`д´- 。)

Rabbit: Import the Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei second season.

Tiger: (⋋▂⋌) Never.

Rabbit: Oh, see’mon!